Product Description:
Sunninghill, Johannesburg
The project involves additions and alterations to an existing house. The client requested a change to his existing house in order to improve the quality of spaces, with natural light, open living space and a link to the swimming pool with a Patio. The proposed changes was to ultimately improve an overall comfort in the house and quality of life for his family. By removing some of the internal masonry walls, the kitchen now opens out onto the living and dining spaces. The proposal increases the entertainment spaces opening out towards the pool on the North. The entrance to the house is expressed with a double volume space, not requiring that much change to the external elevation. The new
By removing some of the internal masonry walls, the kitchen now opens out onto the living and dining spaces. The proposal increases the entertainment spaces opening out towards the pool on the North. The entrance to the house is expressed with a double volume space, not requiring that much change to the external elevation. The new facebrick boundary wall, with rounded column piers, compliments the red facebrick found on the existing house.